Thursday, March 22, 2007

Web Tutoring is Becoming Easier for Everyone

It is becoming increasingly common for a school course to involve online tutoring as part of the curriculum. There are many large universities that offer online tutoring for free as part of being a student, as well as independent firms which will teach you in any area that you need to learn in. The advent of new and improved technology has made it easier for a student to get the help he or she needs, through the use of the various software applications offered by the web tutors. There are several different things that make it easier on those being tutored, and here I will describe some of the most popular technology.

First, you can use audio and/or video communication tools to feel a more personal connection with the tutor. Having a webcam set up to see the tutor face-to-face can be much more helpful than it sounds like. It is easy to find text tutorials on the internet, so if you are being tutored through text then it almost defeats the purpose. So try to find a tutoring opportunity that will allow you to use webcams, or at least microphones during the course of your sessions. This usually isn’t possible with a dial-up connection, but if this is a problem then you may also consider using the local public library.

The use of virtual whiteboards has been increasing tremendously lately, and by using one of them you can simulate a school environment even further. Using the mouse, keyboard, or even a touch screen or drawing pad, the tutor and student can work out math problems or draw diagrams that would not be possible with regular text. This works great and doesn’t require too much computational overhead, especially if you choose to use techniques that are not in real time (meaning the picture is only refreshed when the drawing of the chart or equation is completed).

Overall, the web tutoring industry is becoming more and more like a one-on-one, face-to-face session with a real teacher. If you are seeking tutoring, then this may be the choice that has been eluding you. With the right equipment and internet connection, you can get great assistance in subjects that trouble you. Find out at your school about the online tutoring options offered, or look up an independent tutoring company today.

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